The EkoMarchaty Organic Fruit Farm from Biała Rawska in the Łódź Voivodeship offers organic apples from September to April. On an area of 20 hectares, we grow varieties such as Gold Milenium, Gala, Champion, Złota Reneta and Chopin, guaranteeing an annual production of 300 tons. The apples are of excellent quality and 6-8 cm in diameter, meeting the highest ecological standards. We prefer self-collection, which ensures freshness and direct contact with the customer.

Category Fruits
Class Klasa I
Variety gold millenium, gala, champion, złota raneta, chopin
Country of origin Polska
Certificates and analysis Badania na pozostałości
Caliber - diameter From 60mm to 80mm
Payment method Przedpłata
Unit packaging luz
Storage method Chłodnia
Form of delivery Odbiór z zakładu (EXW)
Payment document Faktura VAT
Producer name Ekologiczne Gosp. Sadownicze EkoMarchaty
Country Poland
State Łódzkie
  • Sell

Organic apples gold millenium, gala, champion, gold reneta, chopin

Supplier Ekologiczne Gosp. Sadownicze EkoMarchaty
Quantity 300 Tons
Updated 23-07-2024, 12:48
Price to be agreed
Updated: 07/23/2024Supplier: Ekologiczne Gosp. Sadownicze EkoMarchatyCountry, region: Poland, Łódzkie