Fruits of Serbia - we are the official sales representative of Serbian fruit producers in Poland. We specialize in representing high-quality, trusted partners from Serbia who have many years of experience in preparing products for retail chains. We provide a mix of benefits of working with the manufacturer (fresh product of known origin) and with an intermediary (easy contact, no communication barriers, high responsiveness). The goods are prepared directly at the supplier's and delivered directly to the recipient's warehouse. We do not store goods in stock in Poland. Thanks to professional suppliers and high product quality, we guarantee low returns and high service levels. By omitting traditional intermediaries, we can offer products at very favorable prices. We offer Serbian plum of proven quality, excellent firmness and juiciness. We pack in a carton or wooden box. Please contact us!
カテゴリ 果物
製品の場所 セルビア
クラス Klasa I
品種 Lepotica, Stanley
原産国 Polska
証明書と分析 Global Gap, Badania na pozostałości
ブリックス から 9° 終了 9°
口径 - 直径 から 32mm 終了 45mm
支払方法 (推奨) Prepayment
支払方法 (その他) Przedpłata, Opóźniona płatność, Forma mieszana
ユニット包装 luz
集荷包装 Karton, Drewniana skrzynka, Plastikowa skrzynka
保管方法 Chłodnia
配送形態 (推奨) EX Works (EXW)
配送形態 (その他) Odbiór z zakładu (EXW), Dostarczone do przewoźnika (FCA), Przewóz opłacony do (CPT), Przewóz i ubezpieczenie opłacone do miejsca (CIP), Dostarczone do miejsca (DAP), Dostarczone do miejsca wyładowania (DPU)
配達時間 3 日
支払い書類 Faktura VAT
  • 売る

Serbian plum Lepotica Stanley Season 2024

サプライヤー -
200000 キログラム
最終更新 28-06-2024, 14:19
最終更新: 2024-06-28