Gospodarstwo sadownicze Krzysztof Pytlarz

Gospodarstwo sadownicze Krzysztof Pytlarz

Poland Poland

Farm data

Street Mstów 42-244
Place Mstów, 42-244
Country Poland, Śląskie
Contact Information Get producer contact information
Quantity Fruits 80 Tons

About Us

Karol Ciamciak's Agricultural Farm specializes in growing cabbage and potatoes, including the Colombo variety. Our products are grown in accordance with Global GAP and GRASP certificates, which prove their high quality and safety. We have a cold store, which allows for the proper storage of vegetables, and our own transport, which allows for the efficient delivery of goods to customers. We also offer a VAT invoice, ensuring full and professional service.

Trade offer


Product Quantity Avaliability
Blueberry 80 Tons July (Week 1) - October (Week 4)

Including own production beneath


Product Quantity Acreage
Blueberry 80 Tons 8 ha

Cultivation techniques

  • Tunnel

Farm surface

14 ha


  • Global Gap

Specialized infrastructure

  • Cold store

American Blueberry

  • New
  • Sell
Price to be agreedQuantity: 80 Tons Updated: 08/15/2024Supplier: Gospodarstwo sadownicze Krzysztof PytlarzCountry, region: Poland, Śląskie