Gospodarstwo Rolne Michał Wawrzyniak

Gospodarstwo Rolne Michał Wawrzyniak

Poland Poland

Farm data

Street Kwiatków 63-410
Place Kwiatków, 63-410
Country Poland, Wielkopolskie
Contact Information Get producer contact information
Quantity Vegetables 5000 Tons

About Us

Michał Wawrzyniak's Agricultural Farm specializes in the cultivation of onions, potatoes (Riviera, Gala, Konstans varieties) and beets, conducted in accordance with the Integrated Production certificate, which guarantees high quality and safety of our products. We have a modern cold store, which provides optimal conditions for storing vegetables. We offer our own transport and issue VAT invoices, taking care of full and professional customer service.

Trade offer


Product Quantity Avaliability
Potatoes 5000 Tons January (Week 1) - December (Week 4)

Including own production beneath


Product Quantity Acreage
Potatoes 5000 Tons 100 ha

Cultivation techniques

  • Mechanical harvest

Farm surface

500 ha


  • Integrated Production

Specialized infrastructure

  • Cold store


  • Sell
Price to be agreedQuantity: 5 000 Tons Updated: 08/15/2024Supplier: Gospodarstwo Rolne Michał WawrzyniakCountry, region: Poland, Wielkopolskie