Gospodarstwo Sadownicze Grzegorz Gacal

Gospodarstwo Sadownicze Grzegorz Gacal

Poland Poland

Farm data

Street Wilkowisko
Place Wilkowisko, 34-617
Country Poland, Małopolskie
Contact Information Get producer contact information
Quantity Fruits 100 Tons

Trade offer


Product Quantity Avaliability
Apple 100 Tons September (Week 1) - May (Week 4)

Including own production beneath


Product Quantity Acreage
Apple 100 Tons 5 ha

Cultivation techniques

  • Manual harvest

Farm surface

8.5 ha


Bus 1.5 Ton

Pear Conference

  • Sell
Price to be agreedQuantity: 2 Tons Updated: 08/19/2024Supplier: Gospodarstwo Sadownicze Grzegorz GacalCountry, region: Poland, Małopolskie